NEW! EDITION Approved Training Organisation Flight School BEMOAIR                   CZ/ATO-002
© Q-COMP 2024
Flight school BEMOAIR LTD. Nesvačily No. 0193 25751 Bystřice u Benešova CZECH REPUBLIC

Company Establishment and The Short History :

Flight School with name BemoAir was established in 1990 as part of Bemoinvest Ltd In 1991 it was first private flight school in the CR, providing private pilot training on airplanes Since 1993 is located flight school Bemoair in own building and operate at own hangars at the airport Benesov In the year 1994 were start CPL, IFR and MEP trainings also at the branch for Moravia, at the airport in Brno Since the same year under the contractual relationship for IFR training used simulator ULT-28 In the following year we get permission CAA to implementation of an integrated training CPL / IFR as L-1 Since 2000, we provide trainings as FTO-002 in accordance with JAR-FCL1 incl. Integrated Training ATPL (A) Since 2003, was establish Flight School Bemoair Ltd. and worrks by independently and separately from Bemoinvest Ltd. Since 2006 for the IFR training we use simulator ATR-42/72 by contract with Czech Aviation Training Centre Since 2007 we got approved for learning and examination of the English language proficiency in accordance ICAO In October 2011 we passed internacional audit from EASA Since 2014 we provide all trainings in accordace EASA Part FCL From 2018 we can make all types of UPRT training Flight School BEMOAIR Ltd. employs five permanent staff, of experienced instructors and few other instructors and teachers externally. In the service center there are two technicians, who perform maintenance and preparing for the operation of each aircraft. Instructors then can fully concentrate on pilot students in theoretical and practical training. Training IFR is done on airport Brno-Turany, where we have branch of the flight school. FNPT II training incl. MCC course is performed by contract with the company Fly for Fun on the device ULT-28 and with cooperation with CATC (Czech Airlines Training Center) on the simulator ATR-42/500. For teaching instrument flight procedures, can use a computers simulator Jeppesen FS200 on the airport Benešov.
L40 “Meta Sokol” OK-NPS
L200 “Morava” OK-PHJ
Cessna C172N OK-IKQ
Maule M5-210c OK-ESM
